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October 2016

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New From the MusicMaster Blog

Clone Your Database & Go Crazy!

by Dave Tyler - Have you ever thought about making some wild changes to your database but you are afraid to because if it does not work the way you want it to you'll have no way back? I’ve been there too! It reminds me of my early days in the business when I would edit a spot or song on reel-to-reel. Every cut and splice meant there was no going back; total commitment! Sometimes it worked out sometimes it didn't.

Then came computers and non-destructive audio editing where you could have as many copies of a track as you wanted and all of them are in pristine, original quality. Make a mistake, try again no problem. There is a similarity here with your MusicMaster database. Let me explain.

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Combos and Schedule Properties

by Paul Ziino - A customer called a few weeks ago and said, "I love my combo positions, I get minimal unscheduled positions, but I get more As than Bs or Cs. Is there a way to even out the plays among those three categories in the combo?" To refresh your memory, Combo clock elements allow you to schedule songs from multiple categories and MusicMaster will step down to the next category in line based on the pass order in Schedule Properties when no song meets the criteria from the first category.

Basically, if your pass order is A, B, C, D, E and you have a Combo position scheduling from A, B, and C, MusicMaster will try the A category first, if no A works it will then try songs in the B category when it’s the B category’s turn in the pass order. If no B works, then MusicMaster will try songs in the C category when it’s the C category’s turn in the pass order. Here’s our solution.

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Quick Tip: Prompt Text

Sometimes it's hard to remember all the reasons you do your data entry in a specific way. MusicMaster can help with a reminder. Go to Library, Fields and use the Prompt Text field to add in your notes. Now as you do your data entry, look at the bottom of the screen and those notes will appear anytime you are in that field. Prompt Text can be a handy reminder while you manage your library.

MusicMaster and BE AudioVAULT FleX Integration

We are happy to announce that Broadcast Electronics has joined the ranks of MusicMaster Nexus Integration partners. Users of the automation system AudioVAULT FleX can now enjoy real-time connectivity with MusicMaster, which includes metadata exchange, Real-Time Reconciliation, Perfect Timing, and rule-based Song Replacement and Insert. Check out this video to see how the new integration has made life easier for Chris Collins, PD at Holladay Broadcasting in Lousiana. Or, for a more full demonstration of the integration features, watch the extended version.

Using another automation system? Find our other Integration Partners here.

MusicMaster Version 7 is Coming Soon!

Good news! MusicMaster Version 7 will be here in just a few more weeks. You can look forward to even more customization options, full unicode support, new clock tools, and tons of other features from our users' wish lists!

One of the additions we are most excited about is Virtual Search Depth. We noticed that some users were making MusicMaster work harder when scheduling logs than it needed to. If they had a lot of songs with a lot of Unbreakable Rules, they set a really high Search Depth so the Scheduler would dig deep enough to find songs that worked for those hard-to-fill positions. However, some positions are easier to schedule than others! With a one-depth-fits-all approach, the Scheduler actually has to dig deeper than it needs to when filling easy positions too. This can take a lot of time and slow down your scheduling process overall.

Virtual Search Depth solves this problem by allowing you to indicate how many passing songs the Scheduler should find before moving on to the next steps (such as testing Optimum Goals). This dynamic approach means easy-to-fill positions will be scheduled faster, thus reducing your overall scheduling time.

Other Version 7 features include:

MusicMaster subscribers will be able to look for the Version 7 update by going to the Help menu and selecting Check For Update. If you have bought an older edition of MusicMaster, please contact us to learn more about upgrading.

Updates to MusicMaster Online Support Center

The MusicMaster website now allows you to log in to download software. When you go to www.musicmaster.com, select Contact and then Contact Support. Use the Support Center option to Register an Account. Once you've created your account, not only can you select the Support area to get software downloads, but you 'll also be able to review your account information and tell us about your stations that use MusicMaster. Then, check out the Welcome, Meet Our Users area to see other users around the world and even listen to those stations using the MusicMaster Station Tuner. Your Account is the gateway to assist you with your MusicMaster needs. Check it out today.

Access Your Account to add your station information and check for software downloads.
European Genius Day Tour Continues Across Continent

ON AIR has kicked off their grand European Genius Day tour, with many locations throughout the continent for the convenience of our international users. So far the team has visited Berlin, Munich, Madrid and Paris!

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A new group of MusicMaster Geniuses from the Berlin Genius Day show off their Certificates.
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Rainer Eichhorn of ON AIR signs Genius Certificates for our Munich attendeesA big auf wiedersehen to our guests in Munich for their participation!
Upcoming Genius Tour Dates

Check the dates below to find the workshop closest to you and click the link to register online. You can also visit the ON AIR Website to contact a representative for more information.

Coming Up: College Broadcasters Genius Day

Click to Register

On October 19, MusicMaster Learning and Development Director Drew Bennett will launch the annual CBI convention in Philadelphia, PA with a remarkable educational opportunity. Bennett will pass along music scheduling tips for users of all skill levels. The workshop will include Q&A, roundtable discussion, and special presentations by several industry leading guest speakers, including Vince Benedetto, President/CEO Bold Gold Media. The official convention schedule begins on October 20, but MusicMaster and the CBI board are proudly connecting for this daylong learning session on October 19 from 10am - 4pm at the Philadelphia Sonesta Hotel. The CBI represents students involved in radio, television, webcasting and other related media activities. With a commitment to cooperative efforts, The MusicMaster Genius Day is just another example of how the CBI is bringing more resources to the members of the organization.

Click Here to Register

Sponsoring the 9th Annual Monitor Latino Convention

MusicMaster patrocinará la IX Convención Anual del Monitor Latino 2016 el 30 y 31 de Octubre. La reunión más grande de las emisoras latinas de los Estados Unidos, México y toda América Latina. La convención se llevará a cabo en el World Trade Center, Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico. Si usted va a ir a este gran evento, nos gustaría invitarlo a visitar nuestro Consultores de MusicMaster Drew Bennett y Jesús Rodríguez para consultaciones si eres un usuario o interesado en la posibilidad de incorporarse a nuestra familia de MusicMaster.

El equipo de Consultores de MusicMaster también tendran un taller Bilingüe el Lunes 31 de Octubre a las 1:00 pm en el “Salon Mixteca 1”. Esto es muy útil para todos aquellos interesados en los productos de MusicMaster, así como algunos trucos de programación para los usuarios actuales. El propósito y el contenido de este taller consiste en demostrar las ventajas de las nuevas herramientas que MusicMaster PE, LT, PRO, y CS tienen para ofrecer a los canals de musica de radio y televisión. Únase a nosotros y formar parte de este taller para todos los ejecutivos de la radio, programadores, locutores, estaciones de Internet, y para cualquier amante de la música y el radio.

Click the image above to visit the Convention Page

MusicMaster will be sponsoring the 9th Annual Monitor Latino Convention on October 30th & 31st. The largest gathering of Latino broadcasters from the United States, Mexico and all Latin America the convention will be hosted at the World Trade Center, Mexico City, Mexico. If you will be going to this great event, we would like to invite you to visit our MusicMaster Meeting Point. Whether you are a current user or considering joining the MusicMaster family, you'll have an opportunity to meet with MusicMaster Scheduling Consultants Drew Bennett and Jesus Rodriguez for one-on-one consulting.

The MusicMaster Scheduling Consultant team will also be hosting a Bilingual workshop on Monday October 31st at 1:00 pm in the “Salon Mixteca 1”. This is great for all those interested in MusicMaster products as well as current users looking for some programming tricks. The purpose and content of this workshop is to demonstrate the advantages of the new tools that Music Master PE, LT, PRO, and CS have to offer radio and television music channels. Join us and become a part of this content-filled workshop for all radio executives, programmers, announcers, Internet broadcasters, DJs, radio hobbyists, and any radio or music lover.

MusicMaster Worldwide Team Comes Together in Dallas

In September, MusicMaster hosted its annual company gathering at the corporate headquarters in Dallas, TX. The sessions brought together the entire U.S. based sales, support, development and management team. We were also joined by MusicMaster sales and support partners from around the world, including international leaders ON AIR and regional partners Informa (Brazil), SwissMediaPartners (Switzerland), BVMedia (Italy), Studiotech (Poland), Top of Mind (The Netherlands), and Create Consult Research (Australia). The team participated in many meetings, presentations and brainstorming sessions. Notably, our development teams went head-to-head with scheduling artists to design new ways to solve programming challenges encounterd by users around the world.

MusicMaster team gathered from around the world
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Back (L): Drew Bennett and new MusicMaster Sales Consultant Lance Aldridge. Front (L): Laurie Knapp and Scott Wirt(L-R) Scott Wirt, Ryan Young, Jill Sorenson, Dave Tyler and Vania Smrkovski (MusicMaster) with Hayden Beetar (AVC Sydney), Kevin Hopkins (ON AIR), and Max Müller (ON AIR)Nishanthan Sithampary (SwissMediaPartners AG) and Jochen Reinecke (ON AIR)Thomas Roth, Rainer Eichhorn and Max Müller of ON AIR share thoughts on the international MusicMaster landscape.

The sessions were also a priceless opportunity to catch up with old friends and new. Thanks to MusicMaster's Melanie Ross for taking excellent care of the crew and planning a fun-filled roster of evening activities. Of course, a gathering in Texas wouldn't be complete without a trip to the rodeo! The team dug into some traditional barbeque and took in bull-riding and cattle-roping at the Mesquite Rodeo. There, longtime MusicMaster user and Mesquite rodeo announcer Brother Van treated us to a behind-the-rails tour. The highlight of the night was when MusicMaster CEO Joe Knapp and ON AIR General Manager Rainer Eichhorn were locked into the "Shark Cage" in the center of the arena where they got up-close and personal with the bucking broncos!

The MusicMaster team gathers in front of the Mesquite Rodeo.
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Rodeo thrills...... and spills.
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Joe Knapp and Rainer Eichhorn are all swagger as they head to the Shark Cage in the center of the ring.Company Meeting Agenda Item: Feed CEO to angry bulls?

This rodeo clown may look cute, but he's tough as nails! Portrait captured by our very own Jeff Schroeder.

Another important part of the MusicMaster gathering was our Worldwide Genius Day, where MusicMaster users joined our team for a day-long session of strategy and programming perspectives. The event was also attended by several Texas A&M students from our pilot MusicMaster University program, an accredited semester-long course led by Dr. Billy McKim that teaches real-world programming using MusicMaster. The learning session was led by MusicMaster's Drew Bennett, Jill Sorenson and Jesus Rodriguez. Guest speakers included esteemed Christian radio consultant Chuck Finney of the Finney Group. In addition, Jim Mathis, The Reinvention PROTM, delivered an inspiring session on Reinvention, or new ways of looking at promotion and image-making.

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Genius Day attendees gather with MusicMaster Team members and guest speaker Jim Mathis.
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Jim Mathis engages the group with out-of-the-box thinkingMurilo Pereira and Gilberto Mariano from Informa Brazil, MusicMaster Sales, Support and Nexus Automation Partner (with their product InfoAudio)Malcolm Sinclair (Sinclair Media - MusicMaster Sales/Support Canada) enjoys Jim Mathis's brand of humor. We all enjoyed Malcolm's brand of shirt.
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Drew Bennett, MusicMaster Learning and Development DirectorJoe Knapp, CEO of MusicMaster and Rainer Eichhorn, GM of ON AIRChuck Finney, , graced us with his presentation.
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Texas A&M students from our MusicMaster University program take new strategies back to station, Fusion FMJim Mathis challenges the crowd to reinvent themselves.MusicMaster Genius Day is its own reward, but cake is a nice treat too!
MusicMaster's Third Annual CMB Genius Day

MusicMaster's Learning and Development Director Drew Bennett and Scheduling Consultant Marianne Burkett led CCM and Florida music programmers on a daylong journey into a deeper understanding of scheduling concepts at this year's CMB Momentum Conference, September 7 at Walt Disney World in Orlando.

This marks the third year MusicMaster has teamed with the CMB to launch Momentum with free scheduling tips and tricks to interested programmers. In addition, attendees heard a “between the records” challenge from Christian Consultant Chuck Finney of Finney Media and learned how to provide sales-friendly content from Business Trainer Jim Mathis of The Mathis Group.

Attendees of the CMB Genius Day with (from far right) special guest speakers Chuck Finney and Jim Mathis, and MusicMaster's Drew Bennett and Marianne Burkett.

While each Genius Day is unique, this year's CMB brought together a mix of seasoned users and younger pros to create an exciting atmosphere of learning and sharing. As is always the case, our MusicMaster session leaders learned ways our client-schedulers creatively utilize MusicMaster to navigate the competitive radio marketplace with more frequent and longer listening occasions. Your ideas, creativity and energy help the MusicMaster team develop the most powerful and functional music scheduling software on the market.

Thanks again for sharing your time and ideas!
MusicMaster Introduces Meeting Point at NAB Fall Radio Show

Over two thousand official attendees joined MusicMaster at this year's Fall Radio Show in Nashville, TN. MusicMaster welcomed participants to our new "Meeting Point" exhibit, a booth location designed to allow music programmers the opportunity to experience the latest in MusicMaster technology.

This year, attendees learned about the newest release, MusicMaster Pro Version 7. Would you like to see the latest? Check out the article in this newsletter for a full overview of what's new in the software. You can also contact us or ask your Music Scheduling Consultant for a personal demo.

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QueenB Radio Vice President Herb Cody visits with MusicMaster President/CEO Joe Knapp and Chief Creative Officer Laurie Knapp(Pictured left to right) MM Senior Technical Consultant Jeff Schroeder, WCBS-FM morning host Scott Shannon, Informa GM Gilberto Perez Mariano, MM Scheduling Consultant Dave Tyler, and Informa Marketing Manager Murilo Rogerio PereiraMusicMaster's Joe Knapp, Amplifi Media CEO Steven Goldstein, RAB President/CEO Erica Farber
MusicMaster Joins Worldwide Broadcasters at IBC 2016

On September 8, Thomas Roth, Kevin Hopkins and Jochen Reinecke from the ON AIR team represented MusicMaster at the IBC Amsterdam, sharing a booth with our friends from adremes and amily. The week was packed with meetings, chats and dinners with friends, clients and partners from all around the world. The ON AIR team used this opportunity to present MusicMaster CS to some of our existing clients using MusicMaster Pro – but also to interested prospect customers. Jochen reports: "We met people from France, Russia, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Poland, Israel and some more countries and had a fruitful and enjoyable time!"

The IBC MusicMaster Meeting Point, alongside our friends and partners from amily and adremes.
MusicMaster Welcomes Two New Members to U.S. Sales Team

We are happy to announce that John McGue and Lance Aldridge have joined the team as MusicMaster Sales Consultants.

John McGue brings his experience in radio as a PD, MD and GSM. He states: "Like most in broadcasting, I've done every format. All of my career has been in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. The majority of my many years in radio are in the Triple A format. I've been a longtime user of MusicMaster, first getting turned onto it in 1989 at one of the early MusicMaster customers, WTTS/Indianapolis. I've been a super fan of the product ever since, you can ask anyone. In fact, some are tired of hearing about it from me over the years! I've used the others and nothing else compares. I am thrilled to be here at this company with like-minded broadcasters from literally every format on the planet."

John tells us: "I am originally from Peru, Indiana. One of the all time great composers, Cole Porter is also from Peru. His niece was in love with me in the first grade, I had no interest in her at that age, and looking back I think I kind of blew it. She now owns all the publishing!

Lance Aldridge earned his degree in Business Broadcasting from Baylor University. He has 25 years of experience in radio, starting as an assistant working in national radio and working his way up to General Manager at KOKE-FM in Austin. Lance spent time at KVIL-FM as LSM and KASE/KVET in Austin as GSM and served a dozen other stations in sales and management along the way.

Lance says: "I am a father of 3 kids, Emma (16), Parker (13), and Reed (11) and I am crazy about all of them. I have been married to my wife JoEllen for 25 years this coming May." Pictured: Lance and JoEllen outside the KOKE-FM Free Texas Music Series concert. Lance also tells us: "I love playing outdoors in my free time. That can be playing with my kids, playing golf, hunting, or going to concerts in one of the many outdoor concert venues in Austin. I spent a lot of my career in Dallas so Austinites consider me a Dallas Yankee, but I love Austin from the food to the music to the beautiful parks and the overall vibe of the city."

As for joining the MusicMaster team, Lance says: "I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to sell MusicMaster. It's not often you can take what you have done for your life’s career (radio) and translate it to a new field (software sales). Going into a radio station still excites me, so to get to do that and make that station better when I leave than when I entered is a great opportunity for me.

Paul Kaye - National Format Director and Talent Coach, Toronto, ON

Paul shares: "Radio is an exhilarating business to be in. The competition is fierce and the programming choices we make each hour... minute... no, second have a direct impact on how competitive we actually are. Music is the absolute foundation of what we do and therefore how competitive we are. MusicMaster is our partner in ensuring our music vision is realized. They provide reliable software that helps us make quicker and smarter decisions; software that is adaptable to our strategic needs (and experimental ways). MusicMaster you help us stay competitive - THANK YOU!"

Drew Scott

Drew shares: "I have over 25 years in radio experience. I started in radio when I was just 14. My parents had to take me to work since I wasn't able to drive. I got my break at 97 Country WPCV in Lakeland, FL doing nights on a massive 100kw country station.

From there I went to upstate New York to work at Martz Communications to earn my Program Director stripes and do afternoon drive. I was moved to mornings two years later and promoted to Regional Program Director, then later Corporate Program Director. I managed the cross border operations from the US in Canada. I was instrumental in bringing the historic R&B station WAMO back to Pittsburgh, PA while with Martz Communications.

I was very involved in the Make A Wish Foundation in the northeast of NY. Our group of stations in a small market raised more money than any other station in New York.

In 2014, I left Martz to become the Operations Manager for Mid-West Family Broadcasting in Benton Harbor, MI and bring the heritage rock station WIRX back to relevance. I was able to crush sales and budget goals because of my ability to work both sides of the aisle with sales and programming. I have exceptional people skills, talent coaching, and my staff loves working for me because I show them respect and I'm not afraid to jump in and work on their level."

  • Music Master - "I was on the ground floor when they launched MMWIN 5.0 and I also beta tested the program. I was the guy calling support constantly asking "Can we get the program to do this?" My tech guy Paul Ziino has been incredible to work with and we got a lot done together."

  • Automation Systems - BSI Simian, Audio Vault, Enco, Nexgen, Wide Orbit, and Maestro

  • Digital Editing - Adobe Audition, Cubase, and Pro Tools

  • Format Expertise - Country, CHR, Rhythmic/Urban, Alt Rock, Rock, Classic Hits, Classic Rock, Talk/Sports, and Smooth Jazz

  • Location - "I would like to stay in Florida, but could relocate below the Mason-Dixon."

Click here to contact Drew Scott today!

Industry Events

  • Jan 25, 2018 - South Carolina Broadcasters Convention, Columbia, SC
  • Jan 25 - 27, 2018 - Salon de la Radio, Paris, France
  • Feb 5 - 7, 2018 - Country Radio Seminar, Nashville, TN
  • Feb 21 - 23, 2018 - Rock Radio Convention, Las Vegas, NV
  • March 6 -7, 2018 - Great Lakes Broadcasting Convention, Lansing, MI
  • March 13 - 14, 2018 - Radio Ink Hispanic Convention, Miami, FL
  • March 18 - 20, 2018 - Radiodays Europe, Vienna, Austria
  • April 9 - 12, 2018 - NAB Show, Las Vegas, NV
  • April 19 - 20, 2018 - Oklahoma Broadcasters Convention, Tulsa, OK
  • May 2 - 4, 2018 - Worldwide Radio Summit, Los Angeles, CA
  • May 9 - 10, 2018 - Canadian Music Week, Toronto, ON
  • May 15 - 17, 2018 - British Columbia Association Broadcasters, Osoyoos, BC
  • May 30 - 31, 2018 - LAB/MAB Convention, New Orleans, LA
  • June 26 - 28, 2018 - Broadcast Asia, Singapore
  • July 3 - 4, 2018 - Loaklrundfunktage, Nuremburg, Germany
  • July 25 - 27, 2018 - Conclave, Minneapolis, MN
  • August 1 - 2, 2018 - Texas Association of Broadcasters, Austin, TX
  • August 20 - 23, 2018 - PRPD, Austin, TX
  • Sept 5 - 8, 2018 - Christian Music Broadcasters Convention, Orlando, FL
  • Sept 14 - 18, 2018 - IBC, Amsterdam
  • Sept 25 - 28, 2018 - NAB Fall Radio Show, Orlando, FL
  • Sept 27 - 30, 2018 - CCBE, King City, ON
  • Oct 16 - 18, 2018 - Wisconsin Broadcasters, Madison, WI
  • Oct 25 - 27, 2018 - College Broadcasters (CBI) Conference, Seattle, WA
  • Nov 5 - 8, 2018 - WABE, Vancouver, BC
  • Are you planning to go to one of these events?
    We would love to meet you there! Contact your MSC or send us an email to let us know.

    MusicMaster Genius Days

    To be announced in 2018
  • January 23, 2018 - Cleveland Genius Day, Cleveland, OH

    For international dates, visit ON AIR Website

  • sales@musicmaster.com