Welcome to MusicMaster!
This month, we are proud to welcome the following stations to the MusicMaster family!

Follow the links below to visit the stations and listen live (when available):
Rock 106-KXRR (Monroe, LA); Star 105.5FM (Crystal Lake, IL); Radio Deluxe; 103.9 The Fox-WFXF  (Kane County, IL); 989 XFM (Antigonish, Nova Scotia); Q99 - WSLQ (Roanoke, VA); RSU Real College Radio 91.3 (Claremore, OK)

In This Issue
Canadian Music Week & Broadcast Industry Awards

Each spring brings flowers, festivals, flea markets and

amazing music to Toronto. There, MusicMaster's Drew Bennett and Malcolm Sinclair joined hundreds of broadcast and media professionals for Canadian Music Week and the Radio Interactive Summit.


Radio Interactive has been a part of Canadian Music Week for 32 years and draws together the top names in both Canadian and International broadcasting annually for an incisive look at the present and future of broadcasting and related platforms.


MusicMaster has enjoyed spending valuable time with our many Canadian clients and sharing cutting edge knowledge for today's busy broadcaster. 


We've also been thrilled to watch as the hard work of our friends brings recognition, awards and acclaim.   


MusicMaster users recognized at the 2015 Canadian Music and Broadcast Industry Awards include:



Chris Lynch, X929 - Calgary


Anna Zee, Q104 - Halifax


Tammy Cole, 99.9 SUN FM - Kelowna



Garner Andrews, SONIC 102.9 - Edmonton



Tucker & Sarah, VIRGIN 97.5 - London 




Curtis Strange, QM FM-THE BEAT 

(VIRGIN) Vancouver




Wendy Duff, CHYM FM - Kitchener

(currently at CHFI, Toronto)





Trapper John, ROCK 105.3
(ROGERS) - Medicine Hat

Mark Burley 99.9 SUN FM
(BELL) - Kelowna


104.9 THE WOLF - Regina


KISS 92.5 - Toronto


CHUM FM - Toronto


98.1 CHFI - Toronto


101.7 WORLD FM - Edmonton


INDIE 88.1 - Toronto


99.9 SUN FM - Kelowna




Congratulations to these outstanding award winners! We are honored to have these talented music scheduling artists and leading stations in the MusicMaster family. We'd also like to thank all of our northerly neighbors for their warm welcome and the many great brainstorming sessions. Keep up the good work! 

German Broadcast Training Institute to Hold Seminar on MusicMaster and Music Rotation 


We are happy and proud to announce that the ARD.ZDF Medienakademie in Nurnberg, Germany will be holding its first ever two-day seminar on music rotation using MusicMaster. 


The Medianakademie is the premiere training center for German broadcasters within the ARD and  ZDF Broadcast Networks. This new music rotation course will focus exclusively on scheduling using MusicMaster, which is now the official scheduling tool of the ARD radio network.

The course, titled "Informationsseminar Musikrotation" will be held on  July 15 - 16 
in the Medienakademie training center in  Nurnberg. 

Or contact ON AIR Digital at re@onair.de

Congrats to Our Music Choice Genius Day Graduates!

MusicMaster recently swept the heart of the Big Apple for a season of training and learning. MusicMaster Vice President and CTO Scott Wirt joined MusicMaster Learning and Development Director Drew Bennett at Music Choice in New York City.

The session was an enlightening experience on both sides. Drew and Scott were well-received with an enthusiastic welcome and some engaging ideas from the Music Choice team. The participants walked away brimming with creative ideas and time-saving tricks to implement in their scheduling. 

Before: MusicMaster VP Scott Wirt, Learning & Development Director Drew Bennett, and session participants from MusicChoice.

After: A fresh crop of MusicMaster Certified Geniuses proudly display their certificates.

While in New York, Drew Bennett dropped by Vevo and Viacom to check in with MusicMaster users there. All in all, Drew was thrilled to see such great questions being asked and creative ideas in the works. It's always a highlight when our team gets to hit the road and see firsthand how many creative ways MusicMaster is being used all over the world! 

Stopping by Vevo in New York.

Drew stopped in to chat with MusicMaster friend 
Michael Martelli, Technical Director of Programming Systems and Media Services 
at Viacom

MusicMaster's Malcolm Sinclair recently enjoyed the hospitality of the British Columbia Association of Broadcasters at the Penticton Lakeside Resort, Convention Centre & Casino. 

In addition to a fabulous resort, the magnificent scenery of Lake Okanagan, and some of the best broadcasters in North America, Sinclair looked in on MusicMaster client stations. His tour included Bell Media's Sun-FM, this year's winner for Small Market Station in the Canadian Music and Broadcast Industry Awards.

Lake Okanagan

Bell Media's David Ford, Jon Ferebee, and Mark Burley

Congratulations to MusicMaster "Raving Fan" Brian Kelly!

Longtime MusicMaster "Raving Fan" Brian Kelly was just named one of Billboard Magazine's Top 10 Power Programmers. Brian is the Vice President of Operations at Entercom, Milwaukee and has been serving this group of stations since 1995. 


MusicMaster is proud to work with the best in our industry and grateful to Brian for sharing his ideas and expertise with other users through our "Raving Fans" and "Programming Secrets" campaigns. 


Congratulations from the MusicMaster Team! We also send a special kudos from those of us tuning in locally from the MusicMaster corporate headquarters in southeastern Wisconsin. You might even say we're "raving fans" of yours!


If you haven't gotten a chance to check out Brian's words of scheduling wisdom, click on the image below. In this short video, Brian shares a time-saving trick he's discovered to automatically schedule specific elements alongside the most appropriate songs.



Congratulations to Five-Time Award-Winner Lake 96-1!

For the fifth year in a row, longtime MusicMaster client Lake 96-1 (WLKG-FM, Lake Geneva, WI) won the Wisconsin Broadcasters Award for Small Market Station of the Year. MusicMaster Support Coordinator Paul Ziino stopped by their offices and studios to offer his congratulations and answer some MusicMaster questions. 


WLKG Program Director Dave Michaels, the award for Station of the Year, WLKG General Manager Nancy Douglass, Paul Ziino

Did your station receive accolades in 2015? We'd love to feature you in our next newsletter! We're proud to play a role in giving talented scheduling artists the tools they need to bring their stations to the next level. To submit your award information, please contact us at  info@musicmaster.com

MusicMaster Welcomes Milwaukee Country Giant 


Milwaukee radio's E.W. Scripps Company has launched WKTI Country on

94.5FM, replacing The Lake, a music-intensive variety format that has aired on the station since 2009.


Tom Langmyer, vice president and general manager of Scripps' Milwaukee radio operations, reports:  "We're on the hunt right now for personalities, including a morning show that will be fun, local and informative. We'll deliver great country music and local personalities as well as news, weather and sports updates from our sister stations, WTMJ-TV and Newsradio 620 WTMJ."


"We see an excellent opportunity to build a great country station in Milwaukee," added Beverlee Brannigan, VP/Radio Programming for Scripps. "While KTI COUNTRY will feature great country music, its true mission will be to engage with our community in a meaningful way." 

Check it out here: http://www.kticountry.com/listen-live



Pete can be reached at: 



If you are a "MusicMaster on the Move" contact us for a chance to be featured in our next newsletter!

 Visit Radio Max at www.radiomax.at

QUICK TIP: Rule Groups & Dayparting

Rule Groups are a great way to combine tests in one place that apply to many categories or may only be used during specific times. Here's an important tip if you daypart your rule groups: Name the daypart so you know it's part of the rule group. Why? If you change that daypart elsewhere, those changes apply throughout the program. That means if you don't remember that a particular daypart configuration is applied to a rule group, you may end up making a change you didn't want. The same is true should you delete the daypart.  Now your rule group might apply all the time with no dayparting restrictions at all. Pick whatever works well for you:  "RG" or "Rules" etc. Just add something so you won't wonder why your rules aren't behaving the way you intended.
Featured Articles from the MusicMaster Blog

By Sean Ross (@RossOnRadio) "I'm looking at the Nielsen SoundScan sales charts for another week, and for another week I'm struck by how little the top selling singles and albums look like the radio landscape - at least if you define the radio landscape as mainstream top 40." >> Continue reading




By Sean Ross (@RossOnRadio) " For the last five years of the PPM measurement era, increasing TSL has been believed to be a measure of increasing listening occasions. With an average listening span of 10 minutes, broadcasters became existential about longer individual stretches, and began teasing like crazy, in hopes of making their TSL up in smaller chunks. " >>   Continue reading




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