I started using MusicMaster in the 1980's just a few years after Joe Knapp created it. MusicMaster always keeps innovating, evolving, and adapting to keep us up-to-date. We use MusicMaster daily in our two companies. Custom Channels provides music and messaging for in-store and online radio. Clients include Whole Foods, Life is good, Floyd's Barbershops and the Bonnaroo music festival. SBR Creative Media advises radio stations on programming. We currently run 60 databases from the MusicMaster Enterprise system along with advising radio stations that run their own MusicMaster, so we've seen many different ways MusicMaster is used. When we owned our own radio stations there was no hesitation about using MusicMaster. It's difficult to rank the best features of MusicMaster because it really is the sum of the interconnected functions that make MusicMaster such a marvelous software program. We especially like that it's so fun to use. The colors, the personalization, being able to listen to every song, and the depth of features make manipulating a music library really fun! Finally, we can't say enough about the MusicMaster support staff. They always treat us well when answering our dumb questions or when giving us a creative solution when we want to do something out of the ordinary with MusicMaster.

John Bradley
Custom Channels
SBR Creative Media
Boulder, Colorado