MusicMaster Blog
Stress Free clock changes! posted on May 14th, 2010
By Marianne Burkett
Many times a client will call asking what is the best way to adjust all clocks in a database, without the fear of failure. Now of course, you could just open your assignment grids and start making your changes – clock by clock until the clocks were all corrected. However, if you have a large number of clocks, the process may take more time than you have, or you might want to tinker a bit. We have a feature we think you’ll like: Cloning your assignment grid and creating all new clock codes when doing so! This feature is available in the latest service releases of version 4 MusicMaster for Windows, and I’ve found it to be a simple way enable clients to take their time with clock changes and then test them before actually making the switch. Dataset/Clocks/Assignment Grids/Clone and make sure you check the box that says “Create new copies of all assigned clocks”. What MusicMaster will do is take your original clocks, rename them and the new clocks will be set in your new, cloned assignment grid. Remember, before making major changes to your database – please go to Tools/Backup and perform a Standard Backup. A backup a day keeps the nightmares away!