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Purging LogNotes to Clean Up Your Database posted on November 21st, 2024
by Chris Hulsether
Cleaning up your database is never fun, but it can be necessary for running your data more efficiently and keeping your sanity. You may want to clean up your categories, or you have way more clocks than you need, but what about all those LogNotes? If you have old LogNotes from old automation systems or LogNotes for imaging you no longer use, they may be taking up space and making it harder to find the LogNotes you need.
Try Purging your LogNotes, it’s quick and easy in MusicMaster!.
As always, do a backup before you go through this process.
Go to Dataset/Clocks/LogNote Text
To Purge unused LogNotes click on Purge.
- This is the best way to remove any LogNotes from your database as it only deletes LogNotes that do not appear in any clocks or logs, active or not. There are two different ways you can do the purge.
- Use automatic settings – This is the recommended and default option. The program will remove only those LogNotes that are not used anywhere in the active history, format clock or format list.
- Manually set the history cutoff date – This option allows you to pick a date and time for the purging. When you do this, any LogNotes from unused clock and inactive history will still be removed as they are with the automatic settings. Additionally, LogNotes will also be purged from any active history prior to the date/time you select
Fun notes about LogNotes Texts. If you are looking to make changes to a LogNote that is used in all sorts of clocks and you do not want to go into each clock and change the same LogNote repeatedly, if you make a change to the text in this LogNotes Text window, it will be updated once saved. Sidenote: if you instead want to make an alteration to an existing LogNote in just ONE clock, edit that LogNote in the clock itself. Then, once you revisit the LogNote Text Window, you will see that this changed note has been added to the LogNotes list, along with the original. You also have the option here to add or delete specific LogNotes completely, (Copy/Paste CTRL-C, CTRL-V does work here) as well as print the entire list if you wish.
Another cool part about adding LogNotes to clocks is you can use your InfoBar. With your existing LogNotes, look to the “Info Bar” and go to the Clocks tab and LogNotes. You can simply drag and drop LogNotes from that list into the clock! You can also drag and drop LogNotes into your logs in the Schedule Editor.
Remember, every time you go into a clock and type a new LogNote, it adds this to the LogNotes list…even though it may be a duplicate. If you know you already have that LogNote, use the drag and drop function or search for the LogNote while building clocks.
MusicMaster is all about making life easier and helping you get those little things done quicker so you can schedule better! Ask your Music Scheduling Consultant if you have any questions.