I feel the feature that helps me the most and saves me the most time is the ability to design assignment grids for the different events during the year and activate them when I need them such as Christmas music. I set up my clocks the way I want... Read More

Hot Springs, AR
Initially, the reason I chose MusicMaster for my stations was a budget consideration. However, after seeing the feature set and experiencing the great one-on-one support, we have now standardized MusicMaster to all of our clusters. After using... Read More

Holladay Broadcasting
Bastrop, Louisiana
MusicMaster is the best programming software available today. A truly superior program that makes programming efficient and flawless. If it's in your mind, it will work in MusicMaster. Plus the cost is unbeatable.... Read More

WHQT, Cox Radio - Miami
MusicMaster is the first music scheduling software platform I've given my complete trust to. Rules, Rotations, Separations, flow, texture... all the important boundaries we put on our music library and ask MusicMaster to do, it does. When you think... Read More

Backyard Broadcasting
South Dakota