Welcome to MusicMaster
Radio Arabella Wien GmbH – Wien, Austria; Radio Arabella Oberoesterreich GmbH & Co.KG – Linz, Austria; Radio Arabella Niederoesterreich – St. Leonhard am Forst, Austria; KALA-FM – Davenport, IA; WMKN-FM – Mendota, IL; KARP-FM – Hutchinson, MN; WMCX-FM – West Long Branch, NJ; EP Radio, LLC – San Ysidro, CA; CFAX-AM, CHBE-FM – Victoria, BC; CIOO-FM, CJCH-FM – Halifax, NS; CKWW-AM, CKLW-AM, CIDR-FM, CIMX-FM – Windsor, ON; WUGA-FM – Athens, GA; KALC Alice 105.9, KOSI, KQMT, KEZW Studio 1430 – Denver, CO; WNTR The Mix, WXNT Sports, WZPL – Indianapolis, IN; WKRZ HD 2 The Mountain, WGGY Froggy, WILK, WKRZ, WHBS – Wilkes-Barre, PA; WKTK, WSKY – Gainesville, FL;

There’s No Place Like Home
The MusicMaster team joined hundreds of fellow Wisconsin broadcast professionals at the 58th Annual Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Clinic, October 21-23 at the Middleton Marriott Conference Center.
MusicMaster was created 31 years ago in the Badger State by A-Ware President, Joe Knapp, and maintains our worldwide headquarters in the western Milwaukee suburb of Brookfield, WI.
MusicMaster shared booth space on the exhibit floor and provided client demonstrations with automation partners ENCO and Wide Orbit.

MusicMaster President Joe Knapp looks on as Wide Orbit Regional Sales Manager Jeff Dempsey shares his latest automation presentation.

WBA President & CEO Michelle Vetterkind shares a moment during the busy agenda with WBA board member Lupita Montoto. Lupita is also the station manager for Midwest Family Madison station “La Movida” 1480.

ENCO Sales and Marketing Rep Samantha Matheson and MusicMaster Sales and Support Director Shane Finch visit with a potential Wisconsin client.

Wide Orbit Regional Sales Manager Jeff Dempsey and MusicMaster Senior Technical Consultant Jeff Schroeder show the automation interface now employed by thousands of radio stations worldwide.
Perfect integration of MusicMaster and Radio Monitor
This year MusicMaster has had a great integration with the station monitoring service Radio Monitor out of London, UK. Recently we took this interface a big step further and integrated the most important numbers and information right into MusicMaster’s internal web browser.
Once you click on a song in MusicMaster, you have all the important monitoring information right there in your MusicMaster desktop. No switching between applications or screens anymore.

Here’s a picture of Michael Neumann of Deutschlandradio Kultur in Berlin, who is the first happy user of this new level of integration. We are very happy about this integration and also want to thank Phil van Oopen, CEO of Radio Monitor, for his great support and cooperation. We at MusicMaster love these kinds of tools that we can offer to make your life at work easier and easier!
Hopefully very soon we will have a lot more happy users of this new interface which comes FREE of cost to any station that uses MusicMaster and Radio Monitor!
MusicMaster 31st Anniversary Learning Conference
Once again this fall, MusicMaster Team Global gathered for a season of learning, sharing and celebration.
October 6-8, our international force joined together near our worldwide corporate headquarters at the Milwaukee Marriott West.
MusicMaster President Joe Knapp opened the event with a presentation of reflection and direction. Joe shared how MusicMaster continues to be the world’s fastest growing music scheduling software company, witnessing unprecedented domestic and international growth.
Knapp welcomed our four new domestic employees, Music Scheduling Consultant Jerry Butler, Senior Accountant Lorie Robers, Senior Technical Consultant Jeff Schroeder, and Music Scheduling Consultant Dave Tyler.
Joe concluded his opening remarks by reviewing a passionate and ambitious agenda for exciting new objectives and strategies.
Throughout the entire conference, each MusicMaster team member made a presentation detailing progress from their specific departments.

MusicMaster W.I.Z.A.R.D. Jill Sorenson discusses a “soon to be revealed” addition to the MusicMaster product line.

Sales Coordinator Drew Bennett and MusicMaster’s Canadian Partner Malcolm Sinclair unveil “soon to be announced” worldwide clients.

MusicMaster Scheduling Consultant Marianne Burkett introduces new team member Jerry Butler.

MusicMaster Webmaster Cole Marshall speaks of a future development action plan.
MusicMaster Partner Rainer Eichhorn of On-Air in Berlin, Germany disclosed riveting details about MusicMaster’s international appeal. Rainer also outlined our trade show and advertising plans for 2015.
Our MusicMaster crew was also treated to an entertaining and amazing branding presentation from Steve Jones, author of “Brand Like a Rock Star” and “Start You Up”.

Plus, we learned from sales pro Jim Mathis, author of “Reinvention Strategist”.

What an incredible time of team building, education and edification.
Thanks, Joe Knapp, for investing your time, talent, and treasure into our product, clients… and MusicMaster family.

Buckeye Buzz
The pride of Buckeye broadcast engineering met on Thursday, October 30th for the Ohio Broadcast Engineering Conference. MusicMaster joined ENCO at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, and encountered many Raving Fans!

MusicMaster Raving Fan, OAB Board Member, and Findlay Publishing Vice President Dave Glass visits MusicMaster’s Shane Finch at our exhibit location.

WSKU/Kent State Radio was well represented by Senior LAN Administrator Chuck Poulton and I.T. Tech Rick Cruz. These Golden Flashes express their appreciation for the helpful MusicMaster support department.

Not to be outdone by his brother University broadcasters, Raving Fan Mike Meadows of WOSU/Columbus “dots the I” in Ohio!

Mark Levin, Chief Operator of 104.9 The River, reveals some clever programming tips to Finch, and auditions to become a MusicMaster Raving Fan!
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Even though the weather outside was frightful October 26-28, MusicMaster huddled up with hundreds of broadcast engineers,technical staffers, and I.T. professionals for the 64th Annual Western Association of Broadcasters Convention.
Each fall, WABE holds an annual gathering at the Shaw Conference Centre in downtown Edmonton, Alberta that highlights the best of radio and television technologies, and provides a venue for engineers to share information and their experiences.
MusicMaster’s Shane Finch and Aaron Taylor joined automation partners iMediaTouch and Wide Orbit to reveal the latest musics scheduling know-how.

MusicMaster’s Aaron Taylor hangs out with Matt Holmes, Chief Engineer of Jim Pattison Broadcasting in Calgary, AB.

MusicMaster’s Shane Finch discusses public funded radio with the crew from iMediaTouch and CKUA’s Rod Setter.

Aaron Taylor and Wide Orbit’s Dub Irvin provide tips to WABE attendees.

Wide Orbit Sales Manager Jim Hammond has a laugh with Newcap/Edmonton Chief Engineer Troy Dyck.
Thanks to our partners, clients, friends, and the entire WABE committee for a fantastic event!
Hanging Out with Friends
Since Aaron and Shane were in the neighborhood, there’s no betterplace to go than radio stations filled with cool peeps!

Taylor and Finch in the 91.7 “The Bounce” studio with (left to right)Rogers Promotions Coordinator Amanda Schultz, Program Director Liann Cameron, Promotions Coordinator Tyler Diagnault, and PM Driver Tripp West.

Aaron Taylor joins Rogers/Edmonton PD Liann Cameron in the Sonic102.9 Listener Lounge for some tunes and tales.
Just Rockin’ the Mall, Y’all

The MusicMaster station hop continued across Edmonton to the Newcap studios at The West Edmonton Mall.

MusicMaster Sales Director Shane Finch tries to convince Newcap/Edmonton General Manager Sharon Taylor to find a spot in the budget for three additional programming people.

The Newcap Radio family welcomes MusicMaster during WABE week!
MusicMaster in Spain
The most recent MusicMaster training in Spain took place in Barcelona and Madrid. This is the crew of Catalunya Mùsica (below), the classical music station of public broadcaster Catalunya Ràdio in Barcelona. Their daily work focuses on programming mainly Romantic and Classical pieces mixed up with some Contemporary and Baroque.

Catalunya Mùsica is one of our state of the art projects when it comes to handling big classical music data. The stations catalogue of 80,000 + pieces of music (!) plus tons of meta-data is managed in a MusicMaster Enterprise environment with individual databases for FM, Live-Concerts-only and a Web stream. It’s always very exciting to meet them once in a while trying to make their new ideas work in MusicMaster. What a fantastic crew and great station!
In Madrid we met our long time friends from KISS. The KISS group operates three very succesfully networks, KISS FM, HIT FM and KISS TV. This picture (below) was taken during the three day follow-up-training in the station’s tropical garden. From the left: Iván Tenorio (Hit FM), Iván Guillén (Kiss FM), ON AIR’s Thomas Roth, Ana de la Morena (KISS TV) & Ramón Tapias (Head of Programs).

Music Master of the Month
Suzanne Bona
Host & Executive Producer, Sunday Baroque
Cincinnati, OH
“Sunday Baroque is a nationally syndicated music program of baroque and early music. I am based in Ohio, while my producing partner station, WSHU, is in Connecticut, where the Sunday Baroque CD library is housed. Therefore, I need a powerful database that can store and track a variety of important information in great detail, even when I don’t have the CD in hand.
“In addition to performance tracking and scheduling, MusicMaster allows me to capture an open-ended amount of data, including nuanced sound qualities, precise timings and detailed information about the recordings, performers and composers. It’s also an excellent tool for storing show prep for future reference.”
Search iTunes for WSHU Public Radio
Quick Tip: Find Matches Efficiently
Have you ever wanted to just find all the Category A songs in your log or any other specific elements? There are a couple of ways you can do this. Using Category A as an example, click on an instance of Category A and the use then CONTROL-SHIFT-N keystroke combination. This will take you to the next “A” or whatever else you started on (that includes any other element in the log). If you prefer to see all the Category As at once, you can also do that. Go to the Show/Hide Elements icon in the Editor (far right on toolbar) and select the Categories tab. Uncheck everything but Category A and you’ll be left with just your A songs. You probably also noticed the Elements tab here. This allows you to remove different types of elements from the display. Keep in mind, until you save the display, it will always revert back to your default when you reload the Editor. You might want to experiment with the Categories and Elements tab to give you some different looks in the Editor. Just save any you like and they will be available to Load at anytime.
Recent Feature Articles From the MusicMaster Blog
The Art of Special Sets
By Paul Ziino
Part One: Special Sets can be used for creating “Two-Fers,” scheduling unique imaging ahead of specific songs, and more. In this article we discuss the basics of scheduling Two-Fers.
Part Two: Wouldn’t it be great if MusicMaster knew which artists were eligible for two-fers instead of just hoping to match on an artist with multiple songs in the library? This can be done! Here’s how to build a Kickoff Category in MusicMaster.
Part Three: Today we’re going to discuss how to use Special Sets to schedule Artist and Title intros.
Part Four: In this, the final chapter of the series, we’ll discuss how to schedule special sets based on other special set positions.
Industry Event Calendar
There are industry events and conventions every month around the world. We always appreciate meeting our customers and finding out how MusicMaster is working for them. If you’re planning on attending any of these events, let us know. We’d love to meet with you if possible.
- January 29-30: South Carolina Broadcasters Association Winter Conference – Columbia, SC
- February 8-10: Salon de la Radio – Paris, France
- February 23-26: NRB International Christian Media Convention – Nashville, TN
- February 25-27: Country Radio Broadcasters Country Radio Seminar – Nashville, TN
- March 4-5: Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference – Dallas, TX
- March 10-11: Great Lakes Broadcast Conference – Lansing, MI
- March 10-12: CABSAT 2015 – Dubai, UAE
- March 1519: Radiodays Europe – Milan, Italy
- March 26-27: Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Annual Convention – Oklahoma City, OK
- April 11-16: National Association of Broadcasters Annual Show – Las Vegas, NV
- April 12: RAIN Summit West – Las Vegas, NV
- April 22-24: AllAccess.com Worldwide Radio Summit – Hollywood, CA
- June 2-5: BroadcastAsia2015 – Singapore