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Helpful Reports from the History Browser posted on August 27th, 2024
by Vicky James
The History Browser is a great way to view a recap of the songs, categories or elements that have been aired. But did you know you can also copy the report data, save your favorite report designs, and print the results? Let’s look at an example: generating a report to see how often a specific promo aired last week.
To find the History Browser go to Dataset > History Browser or click its icon on the main toolbar.
I want to generate a simple report configured to display the number of spins each day of the promo for Colin’s Candy Store.
To start, set the configurations for each tab. I chose the dates I wanted to look back at, and kept all hours included. Under Categories, I selected my Promo category. I also have the option to use a Filter, so I can just see the results for the Colin’s Candy Store promo. That looks like this:
I also set the Display mode to “Individual Plays” so I will get a list showing each individual time the promo aired.
Next, the analysis will be compiled and generate the recap report as displayed here:
Here, I can not only see the total spins for the week, but also each time each promo was aired.
If you want a more in-depth breakdown, you can adjust to display more options using the menu in the bottom left corner.
Finally, you can Copy the data from the displayed list and paste it into a spreadsheet program, or you can print the report from MusicMaster. You can also save the report configurations to your Favorites, should you want to run the same analysis again in the future.