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MusicMaster Blog

Editing Your Imported Commercials posted on May 28th, 2012

By Marianne Burkett

The first thing clients ask when a new version of MusicMaster is released is “What’s New”?

If you merge Spots into MusicMaster and export both Music and Spots together via MusicMaster you will LOVE this new feature!  If you import your traffic only for timing purposes, the changes you could make with this new feature will not take effect.

We’ve always been able to import traffic into MusicMaster, and now those Traffic logs can also be edited in MusicMaster!  Yes, you can now rearrange the spots in MMWin, so never again will you have to hear two car dealer ads back to back! Tools/Options/Traffic System Interface.  See the “Enable editing of spot assignments box?  Put a check mark there, click OK.

Now you can head into your schedule editor and I’ll show you how.  Right click on your Traffic Merge point. View Spots.

Get into the left hand column, click and drag the spot where you want it to fall in the set and click OK.

Just like the Shamwow commercials, but wait — there’s more!  You can move spots into different traffic merge points in different hours as well!  Right click on Traffic Merge point/View Spots/Click Move.  Find the Merge point you want to move the spot to and click OK.

This might be helpful in balancing your spot load from one hour to the next.

Last but not least is Delete the spots.  This is the most “delicate” operation since most owners or GM’s or Sales Managers would rather eat a live mouse than remove a commercial from the schedule.  Programmers across the world are rejoicing! (I am kidding, there is good reason for the feature.)

You may want to use the Delete option if for some reason it is Easter Sunday and there is a spot in the schedule advertising a Thanksgiving Day sale.

Not all of our clients use the Traffic Merge feature as most Automation systems have their own Merge program that handles it for you.  However, if you like to time out your hours while editing rather than allow a Sync command to remove over-scheduled songs in the logs and you send the combined music and traffic log to your Automation system, this new feature will allow you more control.  It’s really a personal choice.

As with all things MusicMaster, if you have any questions about setting up this new feature, contact your dedicated Music Scheduling Consultant.

If you have any ideas for new Blog content, feel free to email me your suggestions.
