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MusicMaster Blog

Questions about field types in MusicMaster posted on June 28th, 2010


From time to time, we get calls about the fields that a client sees in their MusicMaster database. One of the great things about MusicMaster Windows is that every database can be customized when you are gettting started, and as your needs evolve. Did you know that you can rename fields to better match your descriptive needs (under DATASET-LIBRARY-FIELDS)? Your Music Scheduling Consultant can help you identify field types you can re purpose for other needs, assist you with understanding what the appropriate type of data that should be entered in each field type is, show you how to “un hide” hidden fields, even work with you to determine if fields may need to be added to your existing database. It is a straight forward process, that can be handled with an exchange of backups.

We are always happy to discuss questions or “bounce ideas back and forth” with you on how best to utilize MusicMaster Windows to its fullest extent!