I Like Music Partnership posted on October 10th, 2013
I Like Music will be a new partner in the MusicMaster network to provide extended service to our clients. Andy and James and their team are in charge of delivering all new audio and data to the BBC and over 100 private radio stations in the UK.
Rainer Eichhorn, from our world-wide distribution company ON AIR DIGTAL, says, “With this new cooperation we will offer our customers the chance to not only receive every new song with audio and metadata right into their MusicMaster, but it will also give them the ability to enhance their existing data and complete it with the best metadata tags that I have seen so far. As soon as the integration is completed we will give detailed information to see how perfect that match is. We are very much interested in giving our customers the best possible tools to make as much use out of their MusicMaster as possible.”
James Derrick, Rainer Eichhorn, Andy Hill at the offices of I like Music in London, UK