MusicMaster 5.0 SR-9 is now Available posted on November 25th, 2013
A new service release is available. Use Check for Updates to get 5.0sr9. Highlights include a new Special History Report called Relative Separation Analysis. This report will allow you to perform an analysis of the separation time of songs with the same value in a given field across two adjacent time periods. For instance, if you picked the field Artist, you would be able to find the plays too close to where that Artist played on the previous day. The analysis will then show the separation between values in the field you picked looking at the day you picked for the report and the previous day. Other changes include a new button on the Help, About screen that will open your Windows Temp directory and the ability of the Library Synch function with the program to run the default synchronization option when it contains multiple definition files. If you’re on an older version of MusicMaster, call us to discuss all the new features available with version 5 and how you can get it.