MusicMaster Classroom posted on November 28th, 2013
“MusicMaster Classroom, 10 steps to MusicMaster perfection!” is a new series of video tutorials which we’d like to offer our international clientele.
The first “season” is the German edition “MusicMaster Classroom, in 10 Schritten zur perfekten MusicMaster Rotation!” It is provided by ON AIR’s Justus Fischer and was launched just a few days ago.
Justus’ comprehensive training covers the most important steps to take when working with the MusicMaster Library, Clocks, Rules, Analysis, Scheduler and History Reports.
From now on, new German-speaking MusicMaster users will get the tutorials automatically by e-mail, one by one, and bi-weekly.
The French, British and Spanish editions are already in the pipeline and will be released during 2014.