SiriusXM Genius Day posted on February 7th, 2014
Sirius XM hosted Joe Knapp and Paul Ziino for two separate Genius Day workshops. On Monday, January 13th they visited the New York City offices and worked with 33 MusicMaster users. As the discussion was heating up around 2pm… the fire alarm went off! Fortunately the Fire Marshall announced an all-clear, saving everyone from a 37 story stair descent.
On Wednesday, January 15th Joe and Paul visited the Washington DC offices and worked with 33 more users. At 11am the fire alarm went off, but this time everyone was forced to evacuate (fortunately it was only three stories). We all stood outside for nearly an hour discussing all things MusicMaster and Sirius XM while the fire department tended to their business. So much excitement! Lots of great conversation was had, and everyone came away having learned something new. All the users were blown away by the new Optimum Goal Scheduling options available in MusicMaster version 5.0, especially Optimum Radial Spread, and many ran to their workstations to implement the new Goal right away.
Thanks to Cheryl Porro in New York and Jim “Jinx” Bonner in Washington for helping coordinate two great days of learning.