There’s No Place Like Home posted on October 27th, 2014
The MusicMaster team joined hundreds of fellow Wisconsin broadcast professionals at the 58th Annual Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Clinic, October 21-23 at the Middleton Marriott Conference Center.
MusicMaster was created 31 years ago in The Badger State by A-Ware President, Joe Knapp, and maintains our worldwide headquarters in the western Milwaukee suburb of Brookfield, WI.
MusicMaster shared booth space on the exhibit floor and provided client demonstrations with automation partners ENCO and Wide Orbit.
MusicMaster President Joe Knapp looks on as Wide Orbit Regional Sales Manager Jeff Dempsey shares his latest automation presentation.
WBA President & CEO Michelle Vetterkind shares a moment during the busy agenda with WBA board member Lupita Montoto. Lupita is also the station manager for Midwest Family Madison station “La Movida” 1480.
ENCO Sales and Marketing Rep Samantha Matheson and MusicMaster Sales and Support Director Shane Finch visit with a potential Wisconsin client.
Wide Orbit Regional Sales Manager Jeff Dempsey and MusicMaster Senior Technical Consultant Jeff Schroeder show the automation interface now employed by thousands of radio stations worldwide.