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MusicMaster Blog

Newcap Genius Days – Toronto and Moncton posted on December 8th, 2014

torontologosThe MusicMaster Genius Sessions were on tour in Eastern Canada with Newcap. First stop was in Toronto at the Boom and Flow studios! Joining Malcolm Sinclair was Steve Jones VP of Programming, Rick Tompkins from Sudbury, Amy Ballard and Dan Youngs from Ottawa, Adam Spencer was in town from Fredericton (we’re still wondering how he scored Leaf tickets), Troy McCallum and Wayne Webster of Boom, and Paul Parhar and Cory Balash of Flow! Super day, amazing food and great people!


From Toronto it was off to beautiful Moncton for another great day with Joey Arsenault from Fredericton, Kayleigh Butt from St. John’s, Corey Tremere from Charlottetown, Rod Martens from Saint John, Mel Sampson and Paddy Quinn from Miramichi, Anna Zee and Trevor Wallworth of Halifax, and our hosts Adam McLaren and Scotty Mars from Moncton. It was Malcolm’s first time getting Papa John’s pizza because they don’t have one where he lives!

Thanks again to all the amazing folks from Newcap having us visit their stations!