5.0sr14 is now Available posted on January 20th, 2015
Go to Help, Check for Update to get the latest service release of MusicMaster Pro. This has lots of handy new features including the ability to click the Hour Selection bar in the Editor to the “now” time of today’s log while Instant Analysis can be set to show all panels no matter where the pointer is (see the Quick Tip for more details). Numeric and Currency fields are now right-justified. We’ve added a few more Special History reports as we continue to see MusicMaster used around the world and even added the ability to force a path when running the reports. We’ve improved RealTime, our in-studio component (thanks to WXRT Chicago for their assistance) as well as continuing to update our Nexus interface. Should you need any help with installing the update, please contact your Music Scheduling Consultant. Happy Scheduling!