MusicMaster Blog
Dayparting Options by the Full Hour, Half Hour or Quarter Hour! posted on April 5th, 2010
Most of you are aware that you can daypart a song or promo in MusicMaster by using the dayparting field. However, were you aware you can also restrict which part of the hour a song card is permitted to play? Let’s create a new restriction today on a song you NEVER want to play in the first 15 minutes of the 5pm hour. Double click on the dayparting field, put an “X” in the 5pm hour – then look to the Pink Pie icon at the top of the Daypart Restriction box, and click on it twice. That gives you the quarter hour options. To restrict a song from opening the hour – just remove the X from the first quarter hour. Save and Apply. Of course, be sure the dayparting rule is in effect in your rule tree as well!