MusicMaster Blog
Drag Text from MusicMaster to a Text Application posted on February 25th, 2019
By Brian Wheeler
Your consultant or regional PD calls and says “I want to take a look at your gold category. Can you send me a list?” Oh, man…how do I print that out again? I think I can do a quick print somewhere…I wish I could just drag this category to Excel and be done with it.”
Now you can.
It is now possible to drag many data items from MusicMaster to other applications that can accept text data, such as Microsoft Word and Excel. A text description of the item being dragged will be pasted into the target application.
Here you can see I’ve highlighted information on a few songs in a category.
Click on the pointer column and drag to Excel.
You can do this for any portion of a category or the complete category. To do the complete category, click on the gray box in the upper left corner to highlight all items, then drag from that gray box column on the left to your application. The text will appear in the application.
This same thing can be done in clocks. You’ll see the Length and Details when you drag it.
Keep in mind, you can always use CTRL-C to copy and CTRL-V to paste. There are also printer icons available, including the red paper printer icon in library maintenance which will print out what is shown on the screen.
Direct dragging text to other applications is just one of the enhancements to the many ways we give you to export information.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Music Scheduling Consultant.