MusicMaster Blog
Most Played Songs posted on April 29th, 2010
By Paul Ziino
Need to do a top 20 list? Here’s a quick way to do so. Go to Dataset/Analysis/History Browser. Set the dates and times on the Time Period tab Check only the categories you wish to include in the report on the Categories tab. No Filters needed. Set the Display Mode on the Display tab for "Individual Songs" Under Display Options you’ll want to change Show Rank to "Yes" and set the Maximum Rank to "20". You can adjust Show Song ID, Category, RunTime, Turnovers, and Total Time to meet your needs. Make sure Spins Mode is set to "Total Spins". Click OK. And now you have your top 20 songs for the time period selected. You can Print or Copy that report using the icons at the top of the History Browser report.