MusicMaster Blog
Data on the Network? posted on May 4th, 2010
By Paul Ziino
So you have multiple workstations all accessing one central copy of your data. How can you get MusicMaster to open up the data every time without having to click Path and then hunt for the data directory? It’s easy!
Right-click on your MusicMaster shortcut Select Properties Go to the Shortcut tab adjust your Target line so there is a space after MusicMaster.exe, then follow it with the path to your data directory. Like this: C:\MMWin\MusicMaster.exe X:\DataDirectory\.
Note: if any part of the path contains a space, like Music[space]Master, you need to put that part in quotes. Like this: C:\MMWin\MusicMaster.exe "X:\Data Directory\"
Once you’ve set the target line, click Apply and OK. Now when you launch MusicMaster, it will open the program locally, then look to that second path for your database.