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MusicMaster Blog

MusicMaster Support/Sales Consultants Wanted! posted on October 31st, 2012

MusicMaster is expanding rapidly and in need of individuals who can provide sales and technical assistance to MusicMaster customers. Work from home, no relocation required! Previous music programming experience with scheduling and automation software preferred. Advanced computer aptitude helpful but not required. Cover letter, resume (including references), and salary requirements should be forwarded to Mark Bolke.

Visiting U Radio posted on October 30th, 2012

In October Rainer Eichhorn from ON AIR DIGITAL visited one of our new clients in Hong Kong, U Radio, a new station of the Phoenix Corporation.

The whole team had fun looking at the new features of Version 5 and discussing with Rainer some of the methods to make the best use of their new MusicMaster.

We all wish them a lot of success with their brand new station.

Medientage Munich posted on October 29th, 2012

The Medientage in Munich is one of the biggest media fairs in Germany. Justus Fischer from On Air Digital met a lot of successful Music Masters there.

Valerie Weber, PD of Antenne Bayern, is one of them. Antenne Bayern made it back to the most-listened radio station in Germany this year. The German all-time record of 1,324 Million people listen to the station per average hour according to the last media analysis.

In the photo from left to right: Christoph Pöschl, owner and consultant from Brand Support; Valerie Weber; and Justus Fischer.

Tracking User Profiles in the Schedule Editor posted on October 29th, 2012

We get a lot of calls regarding the schedule editor and if there is a way to track who did what when scheduling a log.

We offer a field called Schedule: Manual that places the letter, “M,” in the field if a particular element was manually scheduled. You can always add that field to your layout to keep track of songs that were not placed by the auto-scheduler but were manually placed by someone working in the log.

MusicMaster Version 5 introduced two additional fields to give you a better idea of who did what and when in the Schedule Editor. First, though, let’s discuss Dataset Security and how it relates to our new fields.

The Dataset Security section of MusicMaster can be located by choosing Tool, Options, Dataset Security. This is where you can enable and disable Dataset Security. Just below this section is a sub-section called Users and Rights. This is where you can create new user profiles and assign permissions to the profiles, allowing or disallowing access to certain sections of the software or even certain tasks. However, Dataset Security can just be a way of tracking who logs in and out of the database, when they do that and the kinds of things they do when they’re in a section of the software like the Schedule Editor. For more information on setting up Dataset Security see our article on Database Security and User Rights.

Once you have built your user profiles and assigned your staff usernames and passwords for logging in to your data, you are ready to track those profiles in the Schedule Editor.

Open the Schedule Editor and choose the Modify Editor Layout icon. In the screen that appears, find the list of fields in the left side of the screen and look for Schedule: Last Change and Schedule: Changed By. Bring these two fields into the Selected Fields list in the middle of the screen by dragging and dropping them or using the single arrow icon pointing to the right. Drag and drop these fields to position them in the layout in the order you desire. Hit OK and choose the Save Editor Layout icon to save the layout.

Now, when a song is changed in the log or an unscheduled position is filled two pieces of information will display in these fields. Schedule: Last Changed will display the date and time of the change and Schedule: Changed By will record the profile used when the change was made.

This is a great way to keep track of changes in the log so you will know who does what and when! If you have any questions on this or any MusicMaster related topic, please contact your assigned Music Scheduling Consultant. Happy Scheduling!

Holiday Prep Time posted on October 15th, 2012

By Marianne Burkett

Why wait until the last minute to be ready?

It’s never too early to prepare for Winter Holiday scheduling!



Displaying Keyword History posted on October 1st, 2012

By Paul Ziino

Your F6 History Graph is a tremendous tool that can be used anywhere you are able to click on an actual song including but not limited to Library Maintenance and the Schedule Editor.  (more…)

Italy Tour 2012 posted on September 30th, 2012

The MusicMaster Team of Joe Knapp (A-Ware), Rainer Eichhorn (ON AIR), Roberto Bellotti, Mario Volo and Gino Nuzzo (BVMedia) went on a wonderful trip to visit some of our customers in Italy. On the way from Milano to Naples via Rome they had the chance to meet people from Finelco, RTL, Radio24, KissKiss, Radio Italia, Radio Number One, Class editori, Blusat and MTV Italy. It was a great, fun trip, filled with good conversations, good wine and, of course, perfect food. We want to thank all those who made some free time to meet us and give us important feedback for our future development. Thanks to Roberto, Mario and Gino for organizing this amazing trip, and we look forward to our next visit.

Joe with Mr. Lorenzo Suraci, owner of RTL Italy in Milano; the combined Radio/TV studio of RTL Italy; Joe with Pino Massignan, Chief Engineer of Radio Italy in front of one of the most outstanding still existing Amek/Neve consoles in the Live recording Studio of Radio Italia in Milano.

Joe with Mr. Mario Volanti, founder and owner of Radio Italia; Joe at Radio 105 owned by the Finelco group in Milano, Italy; Roberto Bellotti (GM of BV Media), Rainer Eichhorn (GM of ON AIR), Joe Knapp (president of A-Ware) at KISS KISS Radio in Naples who are in the process of switching from Selector to MusicMaster.

Joe and Mr. Antonio Niespolo, owner of Kiss Kiss Radio in Naples, Italy; Joe and Rainer checking out the websites of their Italian clients; Roberto Bellotti and Gino Nuzzo of BV Media, the Italian distributor of MusicMaster.

Joe and Roberto saying goodbye after a wonderful tour seeing some of our great clients in Italy.

NAB Radio Show Wrap-Up posted on September 29th, 2012

Being a vendor, we attend many conventions and radio events each year. In conversations with attendees there was a real sense perceived by all of a positive turn taking place. Everyone seemed more upbeat about where radio is as a medium and how it can navigate the ever increasing competitive waters that lie ahead. Investments in new ideas, technology, research, and strategies were all being discussed. It appeared most attendees left recharged and optimistic.