MusicMaster Blog
Canadian Broadcast Week posted on June 12th, 2019
By Malcolm Sinclair
How is your Broadcast Week? No, we’re not talking about Numeris or PPM’s or Diary’s. We’re talking about keeping yourself on the straight and narrow with the CRTC and your reporting.
If you allow multiple people to access your data and you do not have any security in place, sometimes it’s a good idea to go and check some critical settings inside MusicMaster.
Many stations have different conditions of licenses (COL) depending on CanCon requirements, Cat2 and Cat 3, Hit Non-Hit etc. That said, one thing we all have in common for Canadian Radio is the Broadcast Week.
When you have a moment, open MusicMaster, go to Tools/Options and look for Broadcast Week and make sure it is set to Sunday starting at Midnight. This will make sure that any CRTC reporting you run will be accurate. That’s for Radio only!!
If you are one of our Canadian TV users, set it to Monday at 6am.