MusicMaster Blog
MusicMaster Emergency Kit posted on January 25th, 2021
Your Company Consolidated? Here is your MusicMaster Five-Step Emergency Kit
By Jesus Rodriguez
In the unfortunate world we live in today, many companies have to consolidate, furlough, let go, lay off, to stay profitable and avoid things like bankruptcies. Unfortunately, as we have experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic there has been a lot of lost revenue. Fewer places open for business meant they did not need to purchase commercials.
If you were one of the lucky individuals to not be affected by those changes, you may be thinking that those that think you got lucky have no idea of the amount of work you now have to do. You are more than likely now a team of one. Your Operations Manager is gone and you are overseen by another markets management. You lost your Music Director/APD. Maybe the Program Director got to stay but has been moved to a different location. Now here you are with a new promotion and your first time opening MusicMaster. Whether you are the PD that lost their team or the night jock that is now working days in the office to help program the station, I have compiled a list of some of our blogs and videos to help you get going right.
Here is your Five-Step MusicMaster Emergency Kit.
Your Music Director is gone and it is your first time picking a song that will go on the air. How do you add a song to the library?
Adding Songs, Imaging, or other items to the Library
You added your new music for the week to keep the station’s momentum going but you still need to create a log for tomorrow’s programming and your PD is also no longer available.
How to Use the Automatic Scheduler
Now you have your log, but you would like to massage the playlist to change some of the songs around.
Editing Logs
Swapping elements in the Log
Replacing Songs
You can also replace categories easily by pressing F9 or double-clicking on the item to get the replacement window. Once you select the item you wish, press [enter] to replace it in the position. If you do not see the song or category you want in the replacement window press the binocular icon to open the query. That will allow you to pick a different category.
You have completed your log and are now ready to export it to your automation for on-air!
Exporting logs to your automation system
You may not know this, but it is very likely that your subscription also includes 24/7 support for all users at your location. You are not alone. We have been there before too. Please call our direct support hotline at 262-825-4000. You’ll be put in contact with one of our support representatives so you can request a MusicMaster 101 session. These five steps are only scratching the surface of the power of MusicMaster. Let us help you become a MusicMaster Genius in a short time.
If you made it this far into this blog let me be one of the first to tell you congratulations on the new position. Remember you were selected by those above you for a reason and we are here to help you every step of the way beyond these five emergency steps.