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MusicMaster Blog

MusicMaster PRO 8.0.6 Available posted on July 25th, 2022

You can go to Help, Check for Updates to get MusicMaster PRO 8.0.6.  Among the highlights:

The History Browser now has an option on the Categories tab to determine the Category Type.  You can select either Song Category or Scheduled Category.  Song Category is the category the songs are currently in or the category that the songs were in when they were scheduled during the specified time period. If you set this to Scheduled Category, songs that played during the time period in any of the selected categories will be included no matter where that song currently is located.  The Scheduled Category can also be included as part of the display when using the Individual Plays option.

New query operators are available when searching Multiple Keyword and Song fields.  With Multiple Keyword fields, you can use “Primary Keyword Does Not Equal” and “Primary Keyword Does Not Contain”. With Song and Keyword fields, you can use “Trivia Does Not Contain”.

The Hour, Sweep and Record Target rules have been adjusted to make the gauge bigger, especially helpful when the values it has to display are large numbers.

Please contact your Music Scheduling Consultant if you have any questions or need assistance installing this version.
