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MusicMaster Blog

NAB Radio Show MusicMaster Marconi Award Winners posted on September 28th, 2012

The Marconi Award is coveted by all broadcasters and is recognition by industry peers of high standards and performance. We are especially proud to be associated with the MusicMaster clients who achieved such a prestigious award.

Legendary Station: KSTP(FM), St. Paul, Minn.
Large Market Station of the Year: KSON(FM), San Diego
Small Market Station of the Year: WVAQ(FM), Morgantown, W.Va.
Large Market Personality of the Year: Moon and Staci, KSTP(FM), St. Paul, Minn.

Additions to Turnover Analysis posted on September 17th, 2012

By Aaron Taylor

We’ve enhanced the Turnover Analysis screen for version 5. There are two new options you may want to check out, “All Hours” and “Predicted Rotations for Field Values”. Go to Dataset-Analysis-Turnover Analysis, or click on the circling blue arrows on your toolbar. (more…)

5.0sr4 is now Available posted on September 12th, 2012

MusicMaster 5.0sr4 is now available. Run Help, Check for Updates to download this new version.

5 Ways to Decrease Your TSE (Time Spent Editing) posted on September 3rd, 2012

By Marianne Burkett

While there are some who love editing logs for hours on end, most of my clients don’t have the time to check every history or segue for each song in a given day.   Here are a few things to help you shave some time off of editing the logs without sacrificing your personal editing style! (more…)

How to Add Custom Buttons for User Tools posted on August 20th, 2012

By Drew Bennett

One of the many features we all love about MusicMaster is the ability to customize the look and feel of it. You can change layouts, move windows around, choose to show or hide elements. You can even plug your own logo into the software and print reports or just spruce things up a bit. Now, MusicMaster 5.0 takes customization a step further with Custom User Buttons for your main Toolbar. (more…)

How to Read the Recap Report posted on August 6th, 2012

by Paul Ziino

The Scheduling Recap Report (Dataset/Schedule/Recap Report) is a great tool for determining which unbreakable rules are causing unscheduled positions in your log as well as which breakable rules are being violated. (more…)

Conclave 37 posted on July 26th, 2012

It was great seeing all of our clients and friends at Conclave 37 in Minneapolis. Lori Lewis of Jacobs Media spoke to a capacity crowd in the MusicMaster Ballroom.

Keith Hill and Joe Knapp had front row seats for the keynote with Governor Mike Huckabee.

5.0sr3 is now Available posted on July 25th, 2012

MusicMaster 5.0sr3 is now available.  Changes include allowing you to filter the Rule Tree for any Optimum Scheduling Goals, increasing the length of LogNote text to 255 characters along with additional fixes and other improvements.  Run Help, Check for Updates to download this new version.