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MusicMaster Blog

MusicMaster at the Broadcast Symposium in Berlin posted on November 12th, 2013

broadcastsymposiumOver 250 GM’s, PD’s, and Music Directors met on the first two days of November and talked about creativity, promotions, morning shows and the future of radio business at the Broadcast Symposium in Berlin. The highlight for the music pros was the workshops about “Music Management” and the “Myths about Music Scheduling”. During the break the attendees enjoyed the “MusicMaster Currysausage”, a typical dish from Berlin.

MusicMaster at Monitor Latino posted on October 31st, 2013

MusicMaster’s Spanish language music scheduling consultant, Jesus Rodriquez, recently hosted the first-ever MusicMaster Windows all-Spanish presentation at the Monitor Latino convention in Mexico City.

In the hour long session, Rodriquez shared the history of computer based scheduling, our growth into a worldwide company, and the benefits of investing into your listeners and employees with the latest MusicMaster technology.

Thanks to Juan Carlos Hildago and the entire Monitor Latino team for a fantastic learning conference, and helping Jesus make MusicMaster historia!

jesusandshaneAbove: Jesus Rodriguez (left) and Shane Finch at Monitor Latino.

MusicMaster at the Medientage Munich posted on October 28th, 2013

logoThis year’s main topic was mobile media and the challenges that result for advertisers and society. Justus Fischer from ON AIR met a lot of radio people from the German-speaking market and had a good time with them at the party, which took place in the Palace of Justice in Munich.

medientagemunic1medientagemunic2Top picture: Caroline Grazé, Martin Liss (both NRJ) with media consultant Michael Praetorius. Bottom picture: Ralf & Jörg Stingl (BCI) with Stefan Sutor (BLM) and Justus Fischer (ON AIR).

Finding and Fixing Duplicate Song Entries posted on October 21st, 2013

By Marianne Burkett

Some days, a client call about one thing and then, it turns into a fact finding mission about a completely different issue.  Let’s take the call I received this morning from PD Bob.  Initially, he’d called about changing one hour in his assignment grid for just one day.  We went through the steps in changing the grid, unscheduling that hour to reset the clock template, and rescheduling the one hour.  I was thinking …okay, that was a quick call.

Then, he asked how to disable Gold Recycling in a few of his older categories.   We discussed it and I walked him through the procedure.  (Dataset/Schedule/Gold Recycle/X) Bob also does morning drive, so he is frequently listening to the midday music and then listening to the overnight show the next day, where he’d hear recycled music.  We started talking about repetition and listening patterns of the audience.

Then, he said something was bothering him about repetition of a specific song and asked about searching by automation number.  I pointed him in the right direction using a Library Query, and searched for a specific number.  He looked at the history of the song and said he felt like he was going crazy because he thought he heard the song two times within a few hours two or three days earlier.  So, I used the MusicMaster “Search Bar”… (it looks like a windows address bar) and searched by the title.  That is when we discovered the same title with two distinct automation numbers in active rotation! Since he was brand new to MusicMaster Windows, I suggested we look for more duplicates.

Using the Song List Editor, (which you can access via the Info Bar or Dataset/Library/Song List Editor)…

databaseissues_image1…we did a library search of his rotated music…

databaseissues_image2…and then, using the middle double arrows…

databaseissues_image3…added ALL songs to the Song List Contents area on the left.  (The double arrow to the right, with 1<< adds only unique songs.)

On the left side I showed him the “Wizard Wand” icon and Song List Arrangement function “Find Duplicate Songs”.

Once you click OK, the duplicates rise to the top.

databaseissues_image6As you can see, he found four duplicate titles with different automation numbers.

So, I had him mark the newer (second song) duplicate with his F7 key, and exit the Song List editor.

databaseissues_image7Now all he needed to do was move the marked songs to a hold category and scan his editor for the marked duplicate songs that were already scheduled, and replace them with something else.

Now, is it possible that PD Bob may want to turn his Gold Recycling back on?  I’m not sure, but he won’t be having the duplicate issue anymore.

Our thanks to PD Bob for allowing us to show his data to illustrate this issue.

If you have any concerns or questions about your library and troubleshooting, contact your Music Scheduling Consultant for some quick answers!

I Like Music Partnership posted on October 10th, 2013

I Like Music will be a new partner in the MusicMaster network to provide extended service to our clients. Andy and James and their team are in charge of delivering all new audio and data to the BBC and over 100 private radio stations in the UK.

Rainer Eichhorn, from our world-wide distribution company ON AIR DIGTAL, says, “With this new cooperation we will offer our customers the chance to not only receive every new song with audio and metadata right into their MusicMaster, but it will also give them the ability to enhance their existing data and complete it with the best metadata tags that I have seen so far. As soon as the integration is completed we will give detailed information to see how perfect that match is. We are very much interested in giving our customers the best possible tools to make as much use out of their MusicMaster as possible.”

ilikemusicJames Derrick, Rainer Eichhorn, Andy Hill at the offices of I like Music in London, UK

Visiting Radio Seefunk RSF posted on October 10th, 2013

Radio Seefunk RSF, the station that can be heard in three countries (Germany, Switzerland and Austria), has moved into a brand new building in Konstanz, Germany with a view of the river Rhine. Music director Eberhard Fruck (on the left) shows ON AIR’s Justus Fischer the new studio and office space.

A Crash Course in Printed Log Designs posted on October 7th, 2013

By Paul Ziino

We are asked often how to edit or create a printed log design.  Today we present a crash course in Printed Log Designs. (more…)


5.0 SR-8 is now Available posted on September 24th, 2013

A new service release is now available. Run Help, Check for Update to get 5.0sr8. Among the changes: In the History Browser, the spin count column can now be displayed as a percentage of the total spins in the current reporting time frame. This version will allow you to close the Dayparting Editor dialog by using the Escape key even if the focus is on the dropdown list of dayparts. Several new Special History reports have been added for our new friends in Italy and the Netherlands. For our Canadian friends, if you need to review your Emerging Artist percentages, you’ll be able to do that in the revised CRTC Self-Assessment report. Please contact your Music Scheduling Consultant if you have any questions about the changes or need assistance installing this latest service release.